For anyone new to filleting fish, it’s important to think safety first: choose a fillet knife with a sharp blade and a firm handle that offers good grip. It may also be helpful to wear protective gloves in order to avoid cuts. Additionally, having a cutting board with a clip component can make the task easier – especially when you’re just starting out. Finally, use whatever water source is available (such as a water hose, an inside tap or a clean stream) to rinse off the cleaned portions.

Equipment: Sharp fillet knife, Filleting glove, Cutting board, Water

Instructions are adapted from Tactical Huntr. 

With your off hand, hold the bass down on the cutting board while cutting. Cut along a straight line behind the pectoral fin from above the top of the gill plate. Don’t cut through the fish’s backbone, but down it instead. Insert the knife an inch into the top of the fish, perpendicular to the line you just cut. Stay on the same side of the backbone. Take a slice down the top of the fish’s rib cage, but not through it. Slice toward the rear of the fish.

Once you’ve reached the end of the rib cage, push the knife straight through the fish and make your way towards its tail. Utilising your other hand, delicately lift off the filet from the backbone by using the blade. If you wish to remove its skin, lay it skin down on the cutting board. Use both hands to secure onto its tail and gently move the knife into place in between the flesh and skin. Sliding it forward will help separate them both.

Taking a spoon or a butter knife and scraping off the scales from the fish will allow you to eat the skin attached to the filet.


Sources: Youtube, tacticalhuntr, wideopenspaces


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