minnow cart

Build a DIY Minnow Cart

Want to build your own minnow cart? Are you tired of constantly tripping over your fishing gear? Do you wish there was a more efficient way to transport your bait and tackle to the water’s edge? Look no further! We will show you how to build a DIY minnow cart that is both functional and stylish. With just a few simple materials and some basic woodworking skills, you can create the perfect solution for all your fishing needs. So grab your tools and let’s get started on building the ultimate minnow cart!

What You’ll Need

In order to build your own DIY minnow cart, you will need the following materials:

-1/2 inch PVC pipe
-PVC glue
-4 – 1/2 inch PVC elbows
-4 – 1/2 inch PVC T-connectors
-1 – 5 gallon bucket with lid
-1 – wire mesh screen (large enough to fit over the opening of the bucket)
-1 – small air pump
-1 – length of tubing (long enough to reach from the air pump to the bottom of the bucket)
-several small weights (for anchoring the tubing in the bottom of the bucket)
-minnows (of course!)

Step 1: Cut the PVC pipes

Cut the PVC pipes to the desired length using a pipe cutter. If you don’t have a pipe cutter, you can use a hacksaw, but it will be more difficult and take longer. Cut two pieces that are 24 inches long and two pieces that are 18 inches long.

Step 2: Assemble the base

After you have gathered all of your supplies, it is time to start assembling the base of your cart. Begin by screwing the 4x4s into the 2x4s, making sure that the screws are flush with the surface of the wood. Once all four corners are secured, flip the frame over and screw the plywood onto the frame. Make sure that the screws are evenly spaced and driven in at an angle so that they do not protrude through the other side of the plywood. Finally, attach the caster wheels to each corner of the cart using lag bolts and washers.

Step 3: Attach the wheels

If you’re using caster wheels, start by attaching the mounting plates to the bottom of the cart body. Then, line up the holes on the mounting plate with the holes in the caster wheel and screw them together. If your cart has regular wheels, you’ll need to first attach the axles to the wheels before attaching them to the cart body. Once the wheels are attached, give them a spin to make sure they’re installed correctly and that they rotate freely.

Step 4: Add the netting

After the main structure of the cart is complete, it’s time to add the netting. This will keep the minnows in the cart while you’re transporting them from one body of water to another.

To add the netting, first measure the circumference of the top of the cart. Cut a piece of netting that is slightly longer than this measurement. Attach one end of the netting to the top of the cart with a stapler or a couple of small nails.

Wrap the netting around the circumference of the top of the cart, making sure that it is pulled taut. When you get to the end, trim off any excess netting and staple or nail it in place.

Step 5: Fill ‘er up!

Now it’s time to fill your minnow cart with water. You’ll need to use a hose or other watering device to fill the upper reservoir of the cart. Once the water is running into the upper reservoir, turn on the pump and let it run until the lower reservoir is full. If you’re using a solar-powered pump, be sure to position the solar panel in a location where it will get plenty of sunlight.

We hope this article gave you the confidence to build your own minnow cart. With plenty of affordable supplies and simple instructions, it’s a fun project that can save you time, money and hassle on your next fishing trip. Once completed, you’ll be able to bring more tackle with ease while avoiding long line wait times at bait shops. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!


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