New York State anglers have a passion for catching steelhead and it has caught on. With Lake Erie and Ontario runs, the Empire State offers many opportunities for steelhead fishing. All stream access information is from NYS DEC.

Starting at Lake Erie, we’ll work our way around.

Cattaraugus Creek

Anglers can get the best start on the spring run by starting at Lake Erie’s mouth and working nearly 40 miles upstream.

The majority of Cattaraugus Creek lies on Seneca Nations of Indian Reserve, which requires a special license to fish, but there are nearly 7 miles of public access that is killer when used properly.

Canadaway Creek

Steelhead can be found in Canadaway Creek from October until the end of spring.

Starting at its mouth, anglers will see why this spot has such a good reputation, leading up to the falls at Laona. Additionally, there are nearly a mile of public fishing rights available on the DEC access site.

Cayuga Creek

Steelhead can be caught from the mouth down to Como Lake County Park at Como Park Lake Dam. While only part of the 10 miles of water are open to the public, this stream does offer some great fishing.

Eighteen Mile Creek

Erie and Niagara Counties’ most popular steelhead haunt, this creek starts near Hamburg and is known for one of the best steelhead runs in spring.

Niagara River

Fishermen can say they’ve done something when they pull out a fish from the Niagara River, which has some 11 miles of the most amazing views you can imagine, and is accessible from both sides of the border.

There are so many great fishing spots on Lake Ontario, it’s impossible to list them all. Here are some of the best.

The sixth point.

Johnson Creek

Johnson Creek runs through Niagara and Orleans counties and ends in Lake Ontario, so it’s easy to see why this stream attracts people from all over. The creek has great steelhead fishing, as well as Chinook and Coho salmon.

Oak Orchard Creek (River)

As far as western New York or anywhere else is concerned, the “Oak” is as good as it gets.

The most popular fish species are steelhead and brown trout, with several reports of steelhead reaching more than 20 pounds.

While the river is known for its hot weather in the late spring, excellent fishing is also available in the late fall and winter months.

Genesee River

In the spring and throughout the winter, anglers can catch some of the best steelhead runs, but when salmon run to spawn in the fall, be on the lookout!

A popular fishing spot is the lower Genesee, which has over 150,000 Chinook salmon and over 22,000 steelhead stocked by the DEC.

Oswego River

In Oswego County, drift boat fishing is an integral part of life. Another urban-sounding destination like the Genesee, the Oswego River will take you out of town and help you catch steelhead.

The towns and cities surrounding the river have done a great job at making boat launching a breeze, even though there are no state boat launch points.

Salmon River

Salmon River, with over 12 miles of pure fishing, is one of the best in the U.S. It holds the Great Lakes record Chinook with a 47-pound, 13-ounce monster. Don’t worry, there are plenty of steelhead too.


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