Jacob Wheeler Snags Fourth Career Cup

Jacob Wheeler Snags Fourth Career Cup

It premiered on Outdoor Channel and MyOutdoorTV on Monday that Major League Fishing pro Jacob Wheeler of Harrison, Tennessee caught 21 scoreable bass weighing 50 pounds, 6 ounces to win…
10 Pound Record Breaking Smallmouth

10 Pound Record Breaking Smallmouth

November 7,2022, father-son fishing duo Gregg and Grant Gallagher caught one of the largest smallmouth bass ever caught on Lake Erie. “On November 3, my son Grant and I, both…

61k Fishing

One fisher made $61,000 from the Columbia and Snake rivers this summer. As part of a Bonneville Power Administration program, they and hundreds of other anglers in Oregon and Washington…

Catch Speckled Sea Trout

A popular inshore sportfish along the East and Southeast coasts is the speckled sea trout. Specks are great fun to catch, but their biggest draw might be their flaky white…

Carp Worth $$$

In Eddyville, Kentucky, Bow Fishermen Are Making Money From Carp Through Aquatic Protein LLC Aquatic Protein, LLC., a company that processes carp into fish meal, is now paying bow fishermen…