A 230 pound gar took this angler for a spin around Texas river, this 7 foot monster Gater Gar is one to be recorded for the books. As we know they can get very big a weight hundreds of pounds, even though many people don’t like them the thrill of reeling one of these river monsters in is always an adrenaline rush.
It’s simply mind-blowing to realize that this alligator gar has been swimming around that narrow river since World War II.
In his view, these fish are misunderstood and often regarded as trash. It’s refreshing to see someone with a more respectful approach to them.
It’s hard to deny that this fish gave him an awesome fight, but we’re glad to see him release it so that another angler can enjoy its thrill.
I’m sure the spin this angler took was one to tell the grand kids for sure!
In the fossil record, there were more gar species than the ones found today. Gars are found throughout northern Canada, Costa Rica, and mainly in the eastern half of the United States. They used to range across Africa, Asia, and Europe what we call the Pangeaic distribution.
They can easily grow up to eight feet long; perhaps even close to 10 feet historically, but we don’t have good records of that. They can weigh over 300 pounds. They are the largest gar species alive today.
Besides their size, one of their biggest advantages is that they are air breathers, which makes them unique. This makes them able to survive in environments where conventionally respiring fish cannot. They also have armored ganoid scales made from a material similar to enamel on our teeth.
Sources: Wideopenspaces